Board meeting, Tuesday, January 18

The next regular meeting of the board of directors will be held on Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 6:30 pm, at the home of Jim and Marsha Peterson, 1969 Ridgetop Drive.

All members of the Mosby Mountain Community Association are welcomed to attend the board meeting and to share your ideas, suggestions and concerns.


1. Welcome and introductions

2. Adoption of agenda

3. Approval of November 2, 2010, board meeting minutes (see below)

4. Financial statements and bank resolution

5. Committee appointments

a. Architectural Review Board: Hal Klee (Ridgetop Drive); Todd Jenkins (Mattox Court); Shawn Brydge (Hubbard Court); Mary Campbell (Mattox Court); Vic Peña (Rhett Court)

b. Common Areas Committee:  Jeff and Teresa Horsman (Mattox Court); Vic Peña (Rhett Court); Jerry Rainey (Singleton Lane); Jeremy Drumheller (Hubbard Court); Preston Miller (Singleton Lane); Kevin Elgin (Rhett Court); Carol Price (Turnstone Drive); Steve Wasserman (Ridgetop Drive); Brian Roy (Hubbard Court)

c. Community Relations Committee:  Matthew Althoff (Singleton lane); Michael Hightower (Ridgetop Drive); John Glenn (Singleton Lane); Preston Miller (Singleton Lane); Leah Burger (Rhett Court); Nicky Shell (Ambrose Commons Drive); Sara Hallowell (Mattox Court)

d. Neighborhood Watch Committee:  Barbara Strain (Hubbard Court); Mary de Souza (Rhett Court); Beverly Glascock (Singleton Lane); Debbie Mincarelli (Singleton Lane); Edwina Monaghan (Singleton Lane; Marsha Peterson (Ridgetop Drive); David Strider (Ridgetop Drive); Carol Price (Turnstone Drive); Terri Zweig (Mattox Court); Dean Miner (Hubbard Court); Lesley Foster (Hatcher Court); Wen Wang (Ambrose Commons)

6. Annual calendar

7. Common Areas Committee report

8. Architectural Review Board report

9. Neighborhood Watch Committee report

10. Community Relations Committee and 5K/10K run Saturday, April 16th

11. Comments on items not on the agenda

12. Next board meeting:  Tuesday, March 15, 2011, 6:30 p.m. (date to be confirmed by board).  Location to be determined

Board members:

Jim Peterson, President, 1969 Ridgetop Drive, 971-9838,

David Cain, Vice President, 1730 Mattox Court, 825-3283,

Matthew R. Althoff, Secretary/Treasurer, 1372 Singleton Lane, 963-9116,

Barbara Strain, Director, 1635 Hubbard Court, 296-5523,

Jeff Horsman, Director, 1718 Mattox Court, 971-8849,

Carol Price, Director, 1146 Turnstone Drive, 293-7907,

Hal Klee, Director, 1921 Ridgetop Drive, 434-202-0697,

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